
Problem: Humana needed help with their digital experiences
What I did: Created & iterated on a social powered healthcare concept and a Medicare coverage finder
Outcome: Continued business in the healthcare vertical
Client: Humana
Users: Medicare consumers
Role: UX designer
Skills  & Methods: Concept design, sketches, evaluative research, ui design, interaction design
Tools: InVision, Sketch, Keynote
Artifacts: Flows, wireframes, sketches, screens, prototypes, decks
The Story
Humana Start With Healthy was a Facebook app and campaign that encouraged seniors to be active and encourage others through social posts that were highlighted on a Humana web page.

The Medicare coverage finder was a concept to use a wizard style experience to create an easier way for seniors to find coverage.
Some of the flows for Start With Healthy & the Medicare coverage Finder
What I did
  • Wireframes
  • User Flows
  • User Testing